How to dropship on Shopify with AliExpress?

how to dropship on Shopify with aliexpress

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E-merchants who start dropshipping on Shopify are constantly on the lookout for effective ways to optimize their business on the e-commerce platform. One of the most popular and accessible ways is dropshipping with AliExpress on the Shopify platform.

By combining products available on AliExpress, a reputable online sales platform, entrepreneurs can easily create their own online store without having to manage inventory or worry about shipping products.

In this article, we’ll guide you step-by-step on how to dropship on Shopify with AliExpress, highlighting best practices and tools for success in this field.

Finding winning products on AliExpress

how to dropship on Shopify with aliexpress

To start your dropshipping adventure on Shopify with AliExpress, the first step is to find winning products. These are products that are popular and likely to sell quickly.

Here are a few strategies to help you find these products:

  1. Search AliExpress product categories: Explore the different product categories on AliExpress to find those that are in demand and popular.
  2. Use Dropispy to find winning products: Dropispy is a powerful tool that lets you analyze your competitors’ ads and discover which products work best. Use it to get ideas and insights on winning products to sell.
  3. Check out customer reviews: Customer reviews on AliExpress can give you an idea of a product’s popularity and quality. Look for products with good reviews and positive ratings.

By finding winning products, you increase your chances of success in dropshipping on Shopify with AliExpress.

Here’s an article that teaches you how to find winning dropshipping products.

Creating an AliExpress and Shopify account

Before you can start selling products on your Shopify online store, you’ll need to create an account on AliExpress and Shopify.

how to dropship on Shopify with aliexpress
  • Create an AliExpress account: Go to the AliExpress website and click on the “Join” button. Fill in the necessary information to create your AliExpress account.
  • Open a Shopify account: Go to the Shopify website and register. Choose a name for your store and configure the basic settings.

Create your Shopify store for only $1 during 90 days

Once you’ve created your AliExpress and Shopify accounts, you’re ready to move on to the next step in how to dropship on Shopify with AliExpress: dropshipping automation with specialized apps.

Choosing a dropshipping automation app for Shopify

how to dropship on Shopify with aliexpress

To make it easier to manage your dropshipping store on Shopify with AliExpress, we recommend using an automation application. These apps help you easily import products from AliExpress, update inventory and prices, and automate the order fulfillment process. Here are some of the best automation applications available:


AutoDS is an all-in-one solution for dropshipping on Shopify. This application allows you to connect your Shopify store directly to AliExpress and offers features such as fast product import, price and stock monitoring, complete order management and automatic price optimization.



Oberlo is a popular application that makes it easy to import products from AliExpress to your Shopify store. It features one-click import, automatic stock synchronization and order tracking. Oberlo also simplifies the fulfillment process by allowing orders to be processed in just a few clicks.



DSers is another dropshipping automation application on Shopify. It lets you quickly import products from AliExpress, manage bulk orders and track shipments. DSers also offers one-click order processing features, making order management a breeze.

To find out how to dropship on Shopify with AliExpress, choose the automation application that best suits your dropshipping needs and style to optimize your efficiency and productivity.

Importing products from AliExpress to Shopify

Now that you’ve selected your automation application, the next step is to import products from AliExpress to your Shopify store. Here are the general steps for importing products:

  1. Search for products on AliExpress: Use the search features on AliExpress to find the products you want to sell in your store.
  2. Use the automation application: Using your chosen application, import the selected products from AliExpress into your Shopify store. The app will facilitate this process by automatically copying product information, including images, descriptions and prices.
  3. Customize product information: Once the products have been imported, customize the information to suit your store. Add eye-catching titles, compelling descriptions and quality images to attract customers.

By following these steps, you can quickly add products to your Shopify store and have them ready to sell. Don’t forget to highlight the unique benefits of each product to entice customers to move on to purchase.

Marketing your dropshipping store on Shopify

Once you’ve imported your products into your Shopify store, it’s essential to implement effective marketing strategies to attract customers and increase your sales. Here are some marketing techniques to consider:

  • PPC ads: Paid ads on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Google Ads can help you reach a large, targeted audience and drive traffic to your store.
  • Influencer marketing: Collaborating with influencers in your niche can help you increase your brand’s visibility and gain the trust of potential customers.
  • E-mail marketing: Build up a list of subscribers and send regular e-mails to promote new products, offer special discounts and build customer loyalty.
  • Content marketing: Write relevant, informative blog posts on topics related to your products to attract visitors and convert them into customers.
  • Social networking: Use social media platforms to share engaging content, interact with your audience and promote your products.

By using a combination of these marketing strategies, you can increase the visibility of your dropshipping store on Shopify and attract a steady stream of customers interested in your products. In this way, you’ll master a crucial aspect of how to dropship on Shopify with AliExpress.

Remember, the best way to find the right strategies for your store is to look at your competitors. To find out more, read our guide to studying your competitors’ marketing strategies.

Customer order processing on Shopify

Once you’ve attracted customers and they’re placing orders on your Shopify store, it’s essential to manage the order processing process efficiently. Here are a few tips to help you with this step:

  • Order automation: Use the automation features of your automation application to simplify the fulfillment process.This will help you save time and process orders faster.
  • Use ePacket for delivery: When choosing a supplier on AliExpress, give preference to those who offer ePacket delivery. This shipping method is affordable and offers tracking to reassure your customers.
  • Order tracking: Make sure you provide your customers with accurate, up-to-date tracking information so they can follow their packages. This will reinforce their trust in your store.
  • Quality customer service: Be responsive and offer excellent customer service to answer your customers’ questions and solve their problems. A good customer experience can generate referrals and customer loyalty.

By optimizing the order processing process, you can offer a smooth and satisfying customer experience, which will help your dropshipping store on Shopify grow.

Provide excellent customer support

Customer support

In dropshipping on Shopify with AliExpress, providing excellent customer service is essential to gaining customer trust and satisfaction. Here are some tips for providing excellent customer service:

  1. Respond quickly to customer requests: Be responsive and professional when responding to customer questions and concerns. Be sure to resolve problems quickly and satisfactorily.
  2. Handle returns and refunds efficiently: Establish a clear, easy-to-understand returns and refunds policy. When customers request a return or refund, handle their request promptly and courteously.
  3. Communicate proactively: Keep your customers informed about the status of their orders, any delays or other relevant information. Proactive communication builds trust and shows that you care about your customers’ experience.
  4. Track comments and ratings: Monitor customer comments and ratings and respond appropriately. Take feedback into account to improve your service and products.
  5. Offer loyalty programs and exclusive benefits: Reward your customers’ loyalty by offering them exclusive benefits, such as special discounts, promotional offers or early access to new products.


Dropshipping on Shopify with AliExpress offers an exciting opportunity to start an online store without having to manage inventory or product shipping. By following the key steps, you can create a successful and profitable dropshipping store.

Start by finding winning products on AliExpress using tools like Dropispy to identify trends and popular products. Then create an account on AliExpress and open a store on Shopify. Use a dropshipping automation application such as AutoDS, Oberlo or DSers to simplify product import and order management.

Once your store is online, use effective marketing strategies to attract customers, process orders efficiently and offer excellent customer service. Now you know how to dropship on Shopify with AliExpress.


What is dropshipping on Shopify with AliExpress?

Dropshipping on Shopify with AliExpress is a business model where you can create an online store without storing or shipping products. You import products from AliExpress into your Shopify store and when you receive an order, the supplier ships the product directly to the customer.

How do I find products for sale on AliExpress?

To find products for sale on AliExpress, you can browse product categories, consult recommendations from popular sellers, search for best sellers and use product search tools to identify trending products.

What are the advantages of dropshipping on Shopify with AliExpress?

Dropshipping on Shopify with AliExpress offers advantages such as ease of start-up, a wide selection of products, reduced costs, simplified order management and the ability to work with suppliers from all over the world.

How do I manage orders and shipping in dropshipping on Shopify with AliExpress?

In dropshipping on Shopify with AliExpress, orders are managed automatically. When an order is placed on your Shopify store, you place the order on AliExpress with the customer’s information and the supplier takes care of shipping directly to the customer.

How can I promote my dropshipping store on Shopify with AliExpress?

To promote your dropshipping store on Shopify with AliExpress, use online marketing strategies such as social network advertising, influencer marketing, SEO, email marketing and targeted advertising campaigns.

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