BigSpy vs Poweradspy, here’s what you need to know before choosing:
Every e-merchant wants to be ahead of the competition and above all to reach the ideal audience to make substantial sales. However, the equation to solve to achieve this end is how to do it.
Several tricks and methods indeed exist. Nevertheless, to be sure of your choices and the guidelines to follow, using an adspy tool is your best option. That said, it is still important to know which Facebook adspy tool is best suited to your needs. To help you make this wise choice, we have set out to establish a comparative study of Facebook adspy tools to find out which tool provides which features.
Thus, in the context of this article, we will establish a BigSpy vs Poweradspy comparison in order to highlight the advantages and shortcomings of each of the two tools. But before continuing, we invite you to find out the truth about how free BigSpy is. To begin this comparison, let’s first find out what you need to know about each tool in general.
Bigspy vs Poweradspy : Here is what you need to know about each tool
Succeeding in the world of e-commerce means having the perfect information instantly and continuously. Indeed, knowing what the competition is doing, finding a winning product, adopting winning strategies are the keys to success in this area. This is what reinforces the legitimacy of adspy tools and shows how many times we cannot do without them.
These tools allow any dropshippers warn to get ahead of the competition and above all to provide trendy products to customers.
Remember that in the context of this article, we want to establish a Poweradspy vs BigSpy comparison. So let’s take a quick look at each of the two tools.
What does Bigspy allow to do ?

BigSpy like any other adspy tool allows you to spy and collect advertising information on social networks mainly Facebook. The tool is designed to help you track ad performance, spy on your competitors’ every move, and most importantly, show you what the competition is doing so you can improve your strategies and get more creative ideas.
Indeed, the tool has similarities and several particularities with other adspy tools that we will take care to describe in the rest of this comparison.
What does Poweradspy allow to do?

Poweradspy is also a Facebook spy tool. The tool, like the other adspy tools, allows you to collect the best Facebook ads to allow you to always have an idea of what works or not.
Updates are frequent on such tools for the sole purpose of allowing you to not miss anything on all the current trends.
Once the point has been made on the usefulness of the two tools, let’s now talk about the major differences to be observed at the level of each tool. But first, we invite you to read our DropiSpy vs BigSpy (link to the article at the bottom of the page) comparison in order to have more information on the most powerful adspy tools.
What makes BigSpy different from Powperadspy ?
What makes BigSpy different from Poweradspy? The answer to this question will be through a comparison of the two adspy tools on four main points, namely: advanced search and filtering, ad volume, ad information and other useful features.
In addition, we will talk about the pricing practiced at the level of each tool. So let’s start with the very first point.
1. Advanced search and filtering
To succeed in the field of Dropshipping, it is essential to have accurate and reliable information available. However, coming across such information is by no means a coincidence; but that of good research work.
Indeed, to find the best information, it is not enough to have access to a database, but also to know what you are looking for and to have the possibility of specifying search filters. Thus, to establish our BigSpy vs Poweradspy comparison on the very first point, we will base ourselves on the search possibilities and the filtering/sorting possibilities.
Types of possible research with BigSpy vs Poweradspy
The table below compares Poweradspy vs BigSpy for research:
Advanced search and filtering | Poweradspy | BigSpy |
Search by keyword | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Search by Facebook’s page name | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Search by the domain name | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Search in the comments | ❌ | ❌ |
Search in the text of the landing page | ❌ | ❌ |
Search by ID (ads, page) | ❌ | ✔️ |
From the results in the table above, we can see that BigSpy has a slight advantage over Poweradspy on only one point, namely searching based on ID. Other than that, both tools meet the same search criteria.

Ads filtering and sorting
The searches carried out in the database of an adspy tool are displayed in ascending or descending order according to the sorting criteria indicated at the start. The image below gives you an idea of the sorting criteria you can choose on Bigspy:

In addition, to achieve much more precise search results, you can use the filters available to the tool. This is a great feature that allows you to come across ads that match your expectations the most and get access to details provided by the adspy tool. Here are examples of filters shown in the image below:

Discover the summary of the comparison BigSpy vs Poweradspy regarding the filtering and sorting of ads in the following table:
Ads filtering and sorting | Poweradspy | Bigspy |
Filter by number of likes, shares and comments | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Filter by number of reactions | ❌ | ❌ |
Filter by type of creation | Picture, video | Video, picture, carousel, html |
Filter by target audience | age, gender, country | ❌ |
Filter by type of e-commerce platform | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Filter by ads language | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Filter by call to action | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Filter by running time | ❌ | ❌ |
Filter by number of daily like | ❌ | ❌ |
Filter by date | creation, last view, domain registration | Last view, first view |
Filter by ios, android, desktop, mobile | ✔️ | ❌ |
Sort by likes, shares | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Sort by number of reactions | ❌ | ❌ |
Sort by number of comments | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Sort by date | creation, last view, domain registration | Last view, first view |
Sort by running time | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Sort by number of impressions | ❌ | ✔️ |
Sort by popularity | ❌ | ✔️ |
This summary table takes into account 18 filtering and sorting criteria.
A careful analysis of this table makes it possible to establish the following report: BigSpy and PowerAdspy obtain a score of 12/18.
However, it should be remembered that the criteria met by the two tools are not identical in all respects. Although there are several similarities, Poweradspy for example allows you to filter by audience or by type of device, but above all, it allows you to filter and sort by date of creation of the ad, which is impossible with BigSpy.
On the other hand, BigSpy allows sorting by number of impressions and order of popularity of the ad. These are rather interesting features that Poweradspy does not have. For us the advantage is given to PowerAdspy because sorting and filtering by date of creation are very important for conducting effective searches.

Now, let’s move on to a comparison of ad volume.
2. Ads volume
The adspy tools that provide a large number of ads are those that allow you to fall for sure on a Winner. This is reason enough for us to establish a BigSpy vs Poweradspy comparison regarding the volume of ads provided by each tool.
Another very important aspect to take into account concerns the old data provided on an ad. Indeed, the more you have access to old data on an ad, the more this data is precise and allows you to have all the details on what to work while offering the possibility of establishing points of comparison with other ads.
Our BigSpy vs Poweradspy comparison will take into account two criteria at this level: general ad volume and e-commerce ad volume.
General ads volume
For a BigSpy vs Poweradspy comparison on general ad volume, we will consider the following filters:
- VIEW date of the announcement between November 14 and 20, 2021;
- Number of likes: Greater than 20000;
- Media type: Video.
Poweradspy result
A search on the Poweradspy platform taking into account the criteria listed above to display a total of 245 ads.

BigSpy result
By doing the same search on Bigspy, this time, 1933 ads are counted. That’s about 10 times more than on Poweradspy.

Taking into account the results provided by each adspy tool, we find that BigSpy provides 10 times more ads than Poweradspy. It is therefore BigSpy that wins a valuable point over Poweradspy when it comes to general ad volume. So let’s move on to e-commerce ad volume.
E-commerce ads volume
For a BigSpy vs Poweradspy comparison on e-commerce ad volume, we will consider the following filters:
- VIEW date of the announcement between November 14 and 20, 2021;
- Number of likes: Greater than 10000;
- E-commerce platform: Shopify.
Poweradspy result
A search performed on the Poweradspy application showed a total of 56 ads found. However, by reviewing the ads, we count 48 ads and not 56 as the application shows us.

BigSpy result
The same search performed on Bigspy using the same filters shows a total of 496 results found

As the results below show, also regarding e-commerce ad volume and based on the same search filters, Bigspy crushes Poweradspy

The BigSpy vs Poweradspy ad volume comparison results establish BigSpy as the big winner in this battle. Let’s continue our comparison on the remaining points.
3. Bigspy vs Poweradspy : Ad information
The information that you can collect on each ad is very important. These tools give you access to several pieces of information/data to allow you to compare ads to see which ones performed well.

So you can judge the relevance of an ad and how it has evolved over time. In addition, thanks to such information you will know exactly the type of audience taken into account by the ad.

What information can you collect about ads with adspy tools BigSpy and Poweradspy? Find out the answer in the table below:
Ad information | Poweradspy | BigSpy |
Engagement | Likes, comments, shares | Likes, comments, shares |
Audience analysis | age, gender, country | age, gender, country |
Display of the best comments | ❌ | ❌ |
Display of outgoing links | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Screenshot of the seller shop | ✔️ | ❌ |
Media download | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Display of dates | Last view, first view, creation | Last view, first view, creation(often missing data) |
Evolution of the number of likes over time | ✔️ | ❌ |
Evolution of the number of shares over time | ✔️ | ❌ |
Evolution of the number of reactions over time | ❌ | ❌ |
Real-time engagement data | ✔️ | ❌ |
Other ads from the same website | ✔️ | ❌ |
Advertiser's website data and analytics | ❌ | ✔️ |
The details on the announcements are of utmost importance. Through the summary table above, we see that out of a total of 13 criteria considered, BigSpy obtains a score of 6/13 therefore 46.15% against 10/13 and therefore 76.92% for Poweradspy.
We therefore notice that Poweradspy meets many more criteria than BigSpy. Of the two adspy tools, it is therefore the tool that allows you to obtain more information on the ads and therefore to judge their relevance.

If you’re interested, we’ve written a comparison between BigSpy vs AdSpy (link to the article at the bottom of the page), which one do you think will be the winner?
4. Other useful features
A final point of this comparison on the differences between adspy tools BigSpy and Poweradspy concerns the other useful features of each tool. Discover the analysis on this last point in the table below:
Other useful features | Poweradspy | BigSpy |
Analysis of websites/ online shops | ❌ | ❌ |
Ranking of the best dropshipping shops | ❌ | ❌ |
Real-time website data | ❌ | ❌ |
Save ads to favorites | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Export favorites | ❌ | ❌ |
Saving custom queries | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Filter by affiliate network | ✔️ | ❌ |
Platform translation | ❌ | ❌ |
Extension | ✔️ | ❌ |
An analysis of the table shows that out of a total number of 9 criteria considered, BigSpy only meets 2/9 criteria against Poweradspy which only meets 4/9 criteria. Seen in this way, it can be said that Poweradspy has a slight advantage over BigSpy although both tools need improvement on these considered points.
However, each of the two tools admits its peculiarities.
Indeed, with BigSpy, it is possible to see ads for gaming and non-gaming applications. This is a very useful feature for app creators, but useless for e-merchants. Another possibility offered by BigSpy is to be able to spy on ads on several other social networks such as YouTube, TikTok, or Pinterest.
On the other hand, Poweradspy for its part admits an extension that makes it possible to obtain rewards for the unique ads that a user goes up from Facebook. Basically, when the user of the Poweradspy extension browses his feed, the extension collects the ads. Depending on the ads collected, the user is rewarded and can win free days of information research on Powerasdpsy.

Poweradspy also spies on several other social networks. However, given the low volume of ads provided for other networks and the pricing practiced by the tool, this feature will not be of any use to you, especially if you do dropshipping.

Proposed plan and price by each tool
As you can see from the image Poweradspy has a Free plan and several other pricing policies.

The Free Plan available to Poweradspy is limited to 100 searches and 1000 ad views. Although it makes it possible to effectively test the full potential of the tool, it is quickly limited. In addition, to use the Free plan, the download of the extension is necessary.
The 29.50 Dollars plan does not allow you to use Poweradspy’s Facebook adspy tool effectively, because the majority of interesting filters are locked.
Therefore, an e-starter looking for targeted e-commerce ads will need to subscribe to the 74.50/month plan to be able to use the tool. Taking into account the ad volume provided by the tool, this price seems exorbitant.
Bigspy has 4 pricing plans ranging from 0 to 499 dollars per month

The 0 dollar plan is his Free Plan. It comes with a lock of certain search filters and a search limit set to 5. This plan does not allow you to test the tool.
The second plan is the 9 dollars plan. It is limited to 20 searches. But unlike the Free Plan, it allows you to effectively test the tool and judge its relevance. Here, the only problem is that it is not possible to do an efficient search given the number of possible searches per day.
In addition, you can benefit from all the features of BigSpy described in the context of this comparison by subscribing to the third plan which is 99 dollars. What makes this plan even more interesting is that it allows you to have access to ads from several other social networks. And that’s not all ! You have the option to test this plan for 3 days for a flat fee of 1 dollar.
A quick analysis of the pricing practiced by each tool shows that Poweradspy offers a slightly lower price than that offered by BigSpy. However, given the limitations of the tool, it cannot be made a winner by taking this criterion alone into account.
Indeed, BigSpy offers the possibility of subscribing to very affordable plans and benefiting from a better search quality than that of Poweradspy.

BigSpy vs Poweradspy : Which one to choose ?
The Poweradspy vs BigSpy comparison that we have just established is made taking into account several points. Each tool has positives and several negatives.
The results of the established comparison allow us to conclude that the adspy tools BigSpy and Poweradspy stand on several points; except when it comes to ad volume where Poweradspy really lags behind.
However, when you know the importance of ad volume to be able to increase the chances of finding your winning product, you can only make BigSpy the big winner in this battle.
We hope that this comparison will serve as a guide for you to choose the adspy tool that suits you best. We invite you, in the same way, to read our comparison Dropispy vs Bigspy (see link below) in order to better understand the functioning of each adspy tool.
Do you have any specific questions or concerns? Do not hesitate to write to us directly or leave a comment.
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