Drop Point vs AdSpy : the fight between the ad spy tools

Drop point vs AdSpy

Table of contents

As an e-merchant, do you have a real idea of who your competitors are? Do you know the marketing strategies they adopt, the products they promote or the way they manage their online presence? Your answer to this question would definitely be no! And yet, several alternatives are offered to you thanks to adspy tools to have all this information in a lapse of time.

Whether it is Dropispy, one of the most complete and affordable adspy tools in terms of cost; from AdSpy considered as the oldest and most powerful adspy tool by some users or from Drop point, the cheapest adspy tool; various possibilities are offered to you to intelligently spy on your competitors and adopt winning marketing strategies.

Whatever the objective you are aiming for, before choosing to use an adspy tool, the ideal would be to know what it offers you as possibilities and its limits. It is in this context that we invite you to discover through the content of this article the ultimate comparison Drop point vs AdSpy.

Drop Point vs AdSpy : a quick point on each tool

As we have already mentioned above, adspy tools are ad spy tools on various social media. They allow you to always keep an eye on the competition and thus be one step ahead in terms of strategy.

Indeed, these tools inform you about everything the competition is doing. More powerful tools like Dropispy even go so far as to spy on your competitors’ stores

Dropispy adspy tool

As you can see, these are simply indispensable tools for achieving your goals in a short period of time. However, before considering using a particular adspy tool, it would be ideal to know exactly how it works.

As part of our Drop Point vs AdSpy comparison, we will use two key criteria for comparing adspy tools: the variety of ad filtering/sorting and daily ad volume.

Quick point on Drop Point

Drop point adspy tool

Drop Point is adware spyware. And it seems, it’s the cheapest adspy tool! Also read our Dropispy vs Drop Point comparison (link to the article at the bottom of the page) to get a definitive idea about the tool. However, our present comparison will allow us to know if it is as powerful as to compete with AdSpy.

It is a versatile adspy tool that allows you to perform the following actions: search for ads with creative ideas, spy on the activities of competitors on social networks, and monitor advertising performance. Thus, it allows you to be in step with the trend and therefore to be able to compete effectively with your competitors.

Quick point on AdSpy


As a powerful ad spy tool, AdSpy is considered as the leader among adspy tools. This is because the tool spies on and collects useful information for marketers, advertisers, and businesses to streamline and innovate their marketing content.

AdSpy, thanks to its database, gives you access to the best ads collected on social networks in order to use them to improve and better organize your advertising strategy. Also, if you dream of falling on a Winner, this is the best way to achieve it.

In addition, AdSpy is a complete spying tool that allows you to spy on your competitors’ every move and derive measures to outperform them.

We have just made a quick point on each adspy tool. It is now time for us to move on to the comparison of the two tools taking into account the two most important criteria to measure the power of an adspy tool: the variety of filters / sorts of ads and the daily ad volume.

Drop Point vs AdSpy : what are the major differences to know

Both AdSpy and Drop Point are ad spy tools with lots of features. However, there are some functional differences in each tool that we must highlight in order to decide on the most powerful tool.

It is to this exercise that we will now engage through these 4 key points, namely: advanced search and filtering, volume of ads; information about ads and other useful features.

1. Avanced search and filtering

Access to information is the crux of e-commerce. This is a luxury for which some e-merchants go to great lengths, but at what price? So you already know how important research is and how much more important it is to come across the results of our searches.

If you don’t have access to the proper information, it will be difficult if not impossible for you to thrive in the particular field of Dropshipping. Hence the importance of adspy tools such as AdSpy or Drop Point which provide you with well-stocked databases to facilitate your research.

Although with such tools you can have all the information on what works and what does not, you need to use the filtering or sorting possibilities that each tool offers to refine the results of your research. Thanks to these functionalities, you can choose exactly what you want to have as information according to the possibilities offered by each tool.

Types of research possible with Drop Point and AdSpy

Through the following table, discover a brief comparison Drop Point vs AdSpy on the question of the research possibilities offered by each tool:

Avanced search and filteringDrop PointAdSpy 
Search by keyword✔️✔️
Search by Facebook’s page name✔️✔️
Search by domain’s name✔️
Search in the comments✔️
Search in the text of the landing page✔️

The data in the table above allows us to state that when it comes to search possibilities, AdSpy has an advantage over Drop Point. Indeed, on Drop Point, it is impossible to search by domain name, in the comments or in the text of the landing page.

Adspy best Drop point normal

Filtering and sorting ads

The notions of filtering and sorting ads are different and it is important to establish this difference.

When you access the interface of an adspy tool, you have the option of choosing a sorting criterion that displays all the results related to your search term in ascending or descending order of importance. Here is an example in the image below:

Sorting ads Dropispy

On the other hand, filtering refers to a search made from specific criteria chosen in order to obtain only matching information while hiding the rest of the information related to the search subject. The image below is an example of information filtering criteria that can be defined:

Creative filters Dropispy

Through the table below, let’s discover the Drop Point vs AdSpy comparison with regard to the possibilities of sorting or filtering ads:

Filtering and sorting adsDrop PointAdSpy 
Filter by number of likes, shares and comments✔️❌Only by like
Filter by number of reactions
Filter by type of creationPicture, videovideo, picture
Filter by target audienceage, gender, country
Filter by type of e-commerce platform✔️
Filter by ad language✔️
Filter by call to action✔️✔️
Filter by running time
Filter by number of daily like✔️
Filter by dateviewcreation, view
Filter by ios, android, desktop, mobile
Sort by like, share✔️✔️
Sort by number of reactionsLove, haha, wow, sad, angry
Sort by number of comments✔️
Sort by date✔️
Sort by running time✔️

This comparative table is established on the basis of 16 filtering and sorting criteria. A careful observation of these data allows us to make the following analysis:

AdSpy obtains a score of 11/16 or 69% against Drop Point which obtains 6/16 or 38%. We can therefore conclude that AdSpy, although lacking in several features, has an advantage over Drop Point with regard to the possibilities of filtering and sorting ads.

Adspy normal Drop point bad

Now let’s talk about the volume of ads which is a key point to judge the power of an adspy tool.

2. Ad volume

The reach of an adspy tool and even its power is measured mainly by the amount of information it is able to provide you. We therefore understand why the volume of ads is so important. Indeed, an adspy tool that provides you with a large database of collected ads is more likely to lead you to an unsaturated Winner.

Moreover, the older the data provided on an ad by an adspy tool, the more reliable this data is. Such data allows you to analyze how the ad has evolved over time in order to know whether to use it or not. You can also use this data to compare ads to each other to choose and use the ones that performed best.

Our Drop Point vs AdSpy comparison for ad volume will take into account two criteria, namely:

  • General ad volume.
  • E-commerce ad volume.

General ad volume

For a comparison of the two adspy tools AdSpy vs Drop Point with regards to overall ad volume, we will be using the same search criteria in both databases. We will use these two criteria to perform each search:

  • Date of view of the ad: in the last 7 days.
  • Number of likes: Over 75,000

After doing this search on Drop Point, we only get 9 ads as search results. This is what the image below shows:

Drop point results search 9 ads

On the other hand, on AdSpy, the search results show more than 1000 ads. Remember that the same search filters were used to search the database of each of the two tools and this at the same time. And on AdSpy, it is practically impossible to count the number of results.

It is therefore clear that AdSpy is much better than Drop Point when it comes to general ad volume. This is also obvious since Drop Point has a very limited database.

E-commerce ad volume

Given that with the Drop Point tool it is impossible to filter ads by e-commerce platform, and therefore, to know if the ad promotes an e-commerce product or not, we therefore cannot study this point.

3. Ad information

As we already mentioned below, depending on the search criteria you enter on an adspy tool, you get access to some useful ads. There is no doubt that each of these ads are very important.

However, the details of information that you can know about each ad you are interested in is very essential as it helps you to analyze it. This is the only way for you to know if the ad is really relevant and above all to know its true reach.

Discover the information that each tool provides on the ads through the summary presented in the table below:

Ad informationDrop PointAdSpy 
EngagementLike, comment, view, shareLike, comment, reactions, share
Audience analysisage, gender, country
Display of the best comments✔️
Display of outgoing links✔️✔️
Screenshot of the seller shop✔️
Media download✔️
Display of datesLast viewLast view, creation
Evolution of the number of likes over time✔️
Evolution of the number of shares over time
Evolution of the number of reactions over time
Real-time engagement data
Other ads from the same website
Advertiser’s website data and analysis

13 ad detail criteria allowed us to draw up this Drop Point vs AdSpy comparison table. The table clearly shows us that AdSpy meets 8 criteria out of 16 against Drop Point which only meets 3 criteria out of 16. So we conclude that AdSpy provides more information about ads compared to Drop Point. It is therefore much better than Drop Point on this point.

Adspy normal Drop point worst

4. Other useful features

AdSpy vs Drop Point has several other useful features that should be mentioned in this comparison. Let’s find out about them in the table below:

Other useful featuresDrop PointAdSpy
Websites / online shops analysis
Ranking of the best dropshipping stors
Real-time website data
Save ads to favorites✔️
Export favorites
Saving custom queries✔️
Platform translation
Filter by affiliate networks✔️
Data on video ads views✔️ (⚠️accuracy of the data to be verified) 

A brief analysis of the data in the table allows us to notice that out of a total number of 10 criteria considered, AdSpy responds to 2/10 against Drop Point which responds to 3/10 criteria. Although the two tools are very far from satisfying the 9 criteria considered here, we can say that Drop Point has a slight advantage over AdSpy.

In addition, note that Drop Point has an extension, which AdSpy does not. However, this extension is of no use for the user of the tool other than to allow him to feed his platform with ads that he manages to target and collect through his users. So we see that the extension is much more useful for Drop Point itself than for users.

Adspy et Drop point bad

Plan and proposed price for each tool


As for the question of the pricing plan, AdSpy comes at a single price of 149 dollars per month.

Price Adspy

AdSpy does not operate any Free plan. However, the tool admits a policy of limiting the conditions of its use based on the number of views. Indeed, you are entitled to 100,000 views each month. If you want to increase the number of views, you are offered the option of paying an additional 50,000 views at the price of 50 dollars.

Drop Point

Drop Point, unlike AdSpy, has a Free Plan although it is very limited. Its use is almost useless and will certainly waste your time.

Since the Free Plan Drop Point is practically useless, what is the condition to have access to all the features of Drop Point?

Indeed, the tool offers a single pricing which is only 5 dollars / month. Is this price charged a plus? Yes, since the tool is among the cheapest adspy tools if not the cheapest adspy tool. Read our BigSpy vs Drop Point (link to the article at the bottom of the page) comparison to get an idea about it. However, it is important to remember that the tool has very limited functionality. It is therefore rightly offered at this price.

Compared to AdSpy in terms of pricing, Drop Point is much cheaper. However, let’s not forget that Drop Point performs less well than AdSpy in terms of features.

Adspy normal Drop point good

Drop Point vs AdSpy : Which to choose ?

Through this Drop Point vs AdSpy comparison, we have just drawn up an objective analysis of each tool. So, when it comes to choosing the right adspy tool to achieve your goals, you will now know what to do. It is therefore time to draw a conclusion on all the analysis made.

Our Drop Point vs AdSpy comparison shows that AdSpy has an advantage over Drop Point. Indeed, in terms of research or for filtering and sorting options, AdSpy has more features.

Regarding the ad volume, which is the first criterion for judging the power of an adspy tool, AdSpy has an absolute advantage over Drop Point. So it can be said without a doubt that AdSpy is a much more powerful ad spy tool than Drop Point.

The only point where Drop Point seems to have an advantage over AdSpy is price. However, given the features available to the tool, this is hardly surprising. It would be unacceptable for the tool to be less efficient than AdSpy and more expensive.

Before leaving us, we also invite you to read our Dropispy vs Drop Point (link to the article at the bottom of the page) comparison. Indeed, in case you don’t know, DropiSpy is an adspy tool as powerful as AdSpy with a much more affordable price alternative.

Also, if you have any specific questions or concerns, you can contact us directly.

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